The regular prostate massage can ease the entire pelvic area and make it more flexible. This can lead to increased sexual sensitivity. When you try it, you will find out that the prostate massage stimulates certain sensitive points in your body that are a natural source of health and pleasant emotions. On the other hand, regular prostate massage can reduce the chances of prostate cancer. To make sure that the massage is performed with the highest possible therapeutic effect, one should only trust a specialist or their intimate partner. This will help you relax well enough so that the massage therapist can perform the necessary procedure in peace and confidence. The prostate massage will not only make you feel great because you will experience great pleasure but also improvement in your sex life.
Massaging the prostate begins with slow and gentle massage of the anus. The prostate is massage from the inside but not more than 4 to 6 cm. The procedure is part of an overall relaxing body massage, and the prostate massage constitutes of about 7-8 minutes. However, the secret is not duration but in the frequency of massage treatments.
The prostate massage is healthy and enjoyable and can be a part of your intimate life. Men who tried this massage experience stronger orgasms, more sexual pleasure and larger amount of semen during ejaculation. The stimulation of the prostate increased sexual sensitivity in men and often they have a strong and hard erection.
The best way to understand the benefits of prostate massage is to try |